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Biology Notes for Class 9 Chapter 9


Biology Notes for Class 9

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Here are important MCQs for Biology Notes for Class 9, chapter 9

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Biology Ch#09, 09th Class

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1 / 87

World heart Day is held on ________

2 / 87

Transpiration from plant surface takes place through__________

3 / 87

In the embryonic and faetal life, red blood cells are formed in __________

4 / 87

Average life span of platelets __________

5 / 87

When does our heart takes rest?

6 / 87

During atrial systole _________

7 / 87

The blood cells which do not contain pigments and are colourles ________

8 / 87

Celiac artery and superior mesenteric artery supply blood to _________

9 / 87

In which of the following blood vessels, the blood pressure is low?

10 / 87

Universal blood recipients are __________

11 / 87

Which one is an agranulocyte?

12 / 87

In persons with blood group O ___________

13 / 87

Average Number of red blood cells in a cubic millimeter of blood ______

14 / 87

In most plants, food is transported in the form of __________

15 / 87

In humid, air the rate of transpiration is _____________

16 / 87

As aorta passes down through thorax, it becomes ________

17 / 87

Which organ belongs to circulatory system?

18 / 87

The opening between left atrium and left ventricle is guarded by a valve called _________

19 / 87

A person with AB blood group can donated to______________

20 / 87

Percentage of water in plasma is ________

21 / 87

The outermost layer of the root____________

22 / 87

Which blood cells are the most numerous in healthy human blood?

23 / 87

Which part of plant is responsible for transporting food?

24 / 87

The blood cells which help in blood clotting _________

25 / 87

Atherosclerosis is commonly referred to as a ______

26 / 87

The average number of leukocytes in one cubic millimeter of blood ______

27 / 87

Universal blood donors are ______________

28 / 87

“Lubb-dubb” can be heard with the help of _________

29 / 87

Percentage of plasma in blood is ____________

30 / 87

Arteriosclerosis is a general term describing __________

31 / 87

Gonadal arteries supply blood to _________

32 / 87

The largest and strongest chamber in heart is_______

33 / 87

In one heartbeat, diastole remains about second _________

34 / 87

The alternating contraction and relaxation of heart chambers _________

35 / 87

Which of the following blood vessels have valves to prevent back flow of blood?

36 / 87

Each external iliac becomes femoral artery in upper thigh and gives branches to ______

37 / 87

In normal adults, the mass of heart is ________

38 / 87

Roughly how much of water that enters a plant is lost via transpiration?

39 / 87

Transpiration rate depends upon ___________

40 / 87

A person having blood group O can receive blood from ___________

41 / 87

According to the pressure-flow mechanism, the actual force behind the movement of food in phloem_______

42 / 87

Hepatic artery supplies blood to _________

43 / 87

Angina pectoris means_______

44 / 87

Total number of blood group systems recognized by the International Society of Blood Transfusion ________

45 / 87

Which blood Group contains Antigen A?

46 / 87

Uncontrolled production of defective white blood cells _________

47 / 87

Average life span of erythrocytes __________

48 / 87

Heart attack may be caused by blood clot in ________

49 / 87

Which rate of transpiration doubles with every rise of temperature?

50 / 87

Renal arteries supply blood to___________

51 / 87

Average human heart beat per minute ___________

52 / 87

These are smallest blood vessels __________

53 / 87

ABO blood group system was discovered by __________

54 / 87

Who discovered the pathway of blood circulation?

55 / 87

The type of valve present at the base of pulmonary trunk _________

56 / 87

The temperature range at which transpiration stops ___________

57 / 87

Percentage of cells or cell like bodies in blood ___________

58 / 87

Number of thrombocytes (Platelets) in one cubic millimeter of blood is _______

59 / 87

When fibrinogen makes blood clot it separates from blood and the remainder is called_____

60 / 87

The roots and root hairs absorb water from soil by___________

61 / 87

Through which blood vessels the materials are exchanged between the blood and the surrounding tissues?

62 / 87

Intercostal arteries supply blood to _________

63 / 87

ll veins coming from stomach, spleen, Pancreas and Intestine drain into ____

64 / 87

The average volume of blood in adult human’s body is __________

65 / 87

The pumping action of heart was discovered by _______

66 / 87

The normal pH of Human blood is ___________

67 / 87

Right and left common iliac veins join to form__________

68 / 87

The opening between right atrium and right ventricle is guarded by a valve called _______

69 / 87

William Harvey was born in _________

70 / 87

The blood pressure in arteries is ______________

71 / 87

Different veins from head, shoulders, and arms joined together and form ____

72 / 87

Which of the following prevents blood clotting?

73 / 87

A person having blood group B can donate blood to ____________

74 / 87

Which of the following is a genetic problem due to mutations in the gene of hemoglobin?

75 / 87

The most common symptom of myocardial infarction is _______

76 / 87

What is the actual universal donor blood group?

77 / 87

The tissue layer that is common in all types of blood vessels _________

78 / 87

Antigens are present on the surface of ________

79 / 87

The blood vessels that carry blood away from heart _________

80 / 87

The world celebrates the International Thalassemia Day on ________

81 / 87

The third part of blood circulatory system __________

82 / 87

A molecule that can stimulate an immune response __________

83 / 87

Karl Landsteiner discovered the Rh-blood group system in _________

84 / 87

If a thrombus dislodges and becomes free floating, it is called ________

85 / 87

Which cell play role in body’s defence?

86 / 87

William Harvey died in _______

87 / 87

Blood clotting protein ___________

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Biology Notes, Short Long MCQs for Class 9th

Biology, a new subject for 9th Class, having a lot of concepts, starting from a single definition of the important particle of our universe which is called ‘cell’. In the 8th grade usually, we have to study only one book of science that combines Biology, physics, and Chemistry. But as, we got into 9th class and with every passing day things starts to get more complex now. similarly we got three books instead of just one science book.

And, if you any student of 9th Class feeling difficult to understand the concept of Biology. Then, these Biology notes for class 9 are enough, by Understanding Biology Notes for 9th class means remembering a lot of concepts. Consider that particular subject important in which you want to study for your whole life. And, read more than just the textbook about that particular subject. If you think you want to study Biology for your whole life that’s great, our country also need chemists.

Biology Short Questions class 9 pdf

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Chapter wise PDF Notes / Problems / Solution of Biology 9th Class

                     Chapter-01 – Introduction to Biology

                     Chapter-02 – Solving a Biological Problem

                     Chapter-03 – Biodiversity

                     Chapter-04 – Cells And Tissues

                     Chapter-05 – Cell Cycle

                     Chapter-06 – Enzymes

                     Chapter-07 – Bioenergetics 

                     Chapter-08 – Nutrition

                     Chapter-09 – Transport

                     Pairing Scheme for 2022 – Biology 9th Class


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