9th Class Computer Notes Chapter-05

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9th Class Computer Notes Chapter-05:

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Computer Ch#05, 09th Class

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1 / 67

The ________ attribute specifies the foreground text colour of the webpage.

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____________ Tag is used to create ordered list.

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___________ tag makes the enclosed text bold.

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a hyperlink can be applied to _______________

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In HTML, images are defined with the ____________ tag.

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Tags and text that are not directly displayed on the page are written in ___________ section.

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To save the HTML page, you can use __________ as file extension.

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A website consists of many _____________

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An individual list item can contain another entire list called____________

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Which are the types of List used in HTML.

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In ____________ the ordered of the list is not important.

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__________ contains the actual content of a webpage that is visible inside a webpage.

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Some tags have not startup and End Tags these are called__________

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There are _____________ of headings in HTML documents

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In HTML Table, ________is defined by <tr> tag.

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HTML is a computer language which is used to create a____________

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The ____________ Tag marks starting of a paragraph and Closing of a paragraph.

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In HTML, Table is defined by __________ Tag

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An HTML element usually consist of a __________ tag

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An HTML documents primarily consist of Sections, which are__________

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___________ attribute is used with “img” tag to display the text if image could not lead in browser.

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________is such an icon, graphic or text that when clicked it takes you to some other webpage.

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__________links allow you to go from one part of the same page to another part.

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________ make a cell span more than one row.

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HTML documents begin and end with ____________ Tag and also it is a top level that tag that contain whole contents of website

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To move from one part of the same page to the same page we use _____________

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Tag consist of Startup Tag, End Tag and contents between them is called_______

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In HTML Table, __________ is defined with the <td> tag.

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A software which can understands the HTML and display the contents is called____________

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___________typically defines the document title, style and other information about the whole HTML document

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To specify the title of the webpage we use <Title> </Title> tag inside ___________ tag.

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____________of <Body> tag specifies the background color of a HTML documents.

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_________provides an alternate text for an image if the image is not displayed due to any reason.

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HTML is not _______________ language

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_________of <Body> Tag specifies the background image of a HTML documents.

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The term hypertext is used due to the special text in a webpage called________

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____________ are the properties associated with Tags and provide information about Tag

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____________ part of the HTML documents is between <body> & </body>

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Webpages can be created and modified by using ____________

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________ Tag is used to create and define the description list.

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_______tells the browser how the contents are structured inside a webpage.

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By clicking on special text called__________ which bring you to the next page.

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The purpose of hyperlink is that by clicking on this _____________

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In order to insert extra space in HTML Text we have to use ____________

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____________Tag is used to create a hyperlink.

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There are ____________ of Tags used in HTML

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In HTML Table, to make a cell span more than one column, __________attribute is used.

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__________ is used to define/ show some terms and their descriptions

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___________ tag is used for inserting a line break.

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In a webpage images are added with the _________ Tag

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The _______Tag insert a line break without starting a new paragraph.

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__________of <Body> tag specifies the foreground text color of a HTML documents.

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In __________ keeps each list item with an ordered number.

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The _________ Tag are used to start and end the Heading.

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__________ refers to the way tags are used to define the page layout and elements within the page.

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The __________ element is a container for metadata (data about data)

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The head element is a container for ____________

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__________ tag is used to display data in tabular form.

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In HTML Table, to make a cell span more than one Row, ___________ attribute is used.

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__________is used to specify the URL if linked webpage.

61 / 67

In “body” tag __________ is used to make a picture of a background image of a webpage?

62 / 67

The __________ tag used to specify the style, size and color of text.

63 / 67

In HTML, in a list, a list item can contain another list is called__________

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The webpage elements are represented by tags due to marking of each element language is called ___________

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HTML stand for ________________

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________ Tag is used to create unordered list

67 / 67

In HTML Table, ________is defined with <th> tag.

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