Fundamentals of Chemistry:

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Here are important MCQs for Chemistry Notes for Class 9, chapter 1

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Chemistry Ch#01, 9th Class

Here MCQs for your Revision

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1 / 50

Empirical formula of glucose is______

2 / 50

The third abundant gas found in the earth's crust is_______

3 / 50

One amu (atomic mass unit) is equivalent to_______

4 / 50

Which one of the following can be separated by physical-means?

5 / 50

Which one of following is an example of ionic compound?

6 / 50

The most abundant element occurring in the oceans is_______

7 / 50

Which one is a physical property?

8 / 50

Atom is electrically______

9 / 50

Formation of which of the following is affected by light_________

10 / 50

A piece of matter in pure form is termed as _________

11 / 50

Which one is extremely reactive species?

12 / 50

The mass of one molecule of water is________

13 / 50

Mixture can be separated by method_________

14 / 50

Valency of oxygen is___________

15 / 50

Which one of the following is molar mass of O2 in amu?

16 / 50

How many atoms are present in one-gram atomic mass of a substance?

17 / 50

Formula mass of K2SO4 is___________

18 / 50

In which one of the following pairs has the same number of ions?

19 / 50

Empirical formula of sand is________

20 / 50

80 percent elements are____________

21 / 50

Example of mono atomic molecule is___________

22 / 50

Which compound has same molecular and empirical formula?

23 / 50

Example of heterogeneous mixture is ___________

24 / 50

Fourth state of matter is__________

25 / 50

Industrial chemistry deals with the Manufacturing of compounds_________

26 / 50

Percentage of Argon in nature is____________

27 / 50

The valency of Noble Gases is__________

28 / 50

Nuclear Chemistry has application in__________

29 / 50

Example of covalent compound is _________

30 / 50

1-gram formula of NaCl contains grams________

31 / 50

40g of H3PO4 contains number of moles__________

32 / 50

Which type of molecular ions are present in plasma?

33 / 50

Structure of atom is studied in which branch of chemistry?

34 / 50

Which one is polyatomic molecule?

35 / 50

The molar mass of H2S04 is__________

36 / 50

How many molecules of water will be present in half mole of water?

37 / 50

Number of protons in the nucleus of an atom is called ________

38 / 50

How many number of moles are equivalent to 8 grams of CO2?

39 / 50

Which one of the following pairs has the same mass?

40 / 50

Brass is a mixture of___________

41 / 50

Mass of 3 moles of oxygen atoms is ___________

42 / 50

Which one of the following elements is found in most abundance in the earth's crust?

43 / 50

Valency of carbon is___________

44 / 50

Value of Avogadro number is________

45 / 50

1-gram atom of carbon contains how many moles is_________

46 / 50

Elements may be_________

47 / 50

Empirical formula of acetic acid (CH3COOH) is _________

48 / 50

The ratio of carbon and oxygen in CO2 ________

49 / 50

How many atoms are present in one-gram atomic mass of a substance?

50 / 50

Which of the followings are tri-atomic molecule except?

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Chemistry Notes, Problems for Class 9th

Chemistry, a new subject for 9th Class, having a lot of concepts, starting from a single definition of the smallest particle of our universe which is called ‘atom’. In the 8th grade usually, we have to study only one book of science that combines chemistry, physics, and biology. But as, we got into 9th class and with every passing day things starts to get more complex now. similarly we got three books instead of just one science book, chemistry class 9 chapter 1.

And, if you any student of 9th Class feeling difficult to understand the concept of chemistry. Then, these chemistry notes for class 9 are enough. by Understanding chemistry Notes for 9th class means remembering a lot of concepts. Consider that particular subject important in which you want to study for your whole life. And, read more than just the textbook about that particular subject. If you think you want to study chemistry for your whole life that’s great, our country also need chemists.

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Chapter wise PDF Notes / Problems / Solution of Chemistry 9th Class

                     Chapter-01 – Fundamentals of Chemistry

                     Chapter-02 – Structure of Atoms 

                     Chapter-03 – Periodic Table and Periodicity of Properties

                     Chapter-04 – Structure of Molecules 

                     Chapter-05 – Physical States of Matter 

                     Chapter-06 – Solutions 

                     Chapter-07 – Electrochemistry 

                     Chapter-08 – Chemical Reactivity 

                     Pairing Scheme for 2021 – Chemistry 9th Class





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  1. Class 9th Chemistry User says:

    Thanks for sharing this post its really helpful for me.

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