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Computer Notes for Class 10 Chapter
Computer Notes for Class 10 Chapter 1

Introduction to Programming:

If you are searching for a topic about Computer Notes for Class 10 Chapter 1 (New Syllabus) then, you are on right place because we are offering here a good opportunity for class 10 computer notes 2022. the students who study in Metric classes are searching the topic related to 10th class computer new book 2022 notes. Computer Science is an interesting subject for metric classes. 10th class students who study this learnt the C-Language programming here in this class, by Gaining a good practice of C-Language computer science notes for class 10, any student get a grip on basic techniques of programming.

Computer Notes for Class 10 Chapter 1

Lets discuss the all about 10th class computer notes to get the basic concept of C Language and gain the good marks in this class, as:

MCQs questions for class 10 computer with answers:

here are Computer Science MCQs with Solution pdf format and free download is available. Online practice for MCQs is also available here. MCQs from Text Book Exercise and others included in this Practice panel. By practicing again and again, Student can get good practice on this topic “Networks” i.e. 9th Class Computer Science MCQs Chapter-03. Best of Luck.


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Computer Ch#01, 10th Class

Here MCQs for your Revision

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1 / 71

Which of the following is used to indicate the start and end of main() function body?

2 / 71

In C language, anything after // on the same line is considered as __________

3 / 71

Which of the following is a valid example of character constant?

4 / 71

In C language, the comments can be written in a program between __________

5 / 71

The syntax errors in a program are checked by ____________

6 / 71

The name of header file can be written between ________

7 / 71

Which of the following functions must be included in all C programs?

8 / 71

Which header file contains information about standard input/output functions?

9 / 71

The data type “int” stores __________

10 / 71

The place to write header files in C program is _________

11 / 71

Which of the following header file contains information about common mathematical functions?

12 / 71

The extension of the header file is _______

13 / 71

IDE stands for _________

14 / 71

Which of the following is not a valid data type in C language?

15 / 71

A _________ occurs when the rules of the programming language are not followed.

16 / 71

The name of header file can be written between ________

17 / 71

A _____________ is a software that is used to write and edit computer programs.

18 / 71

Which symbol is used to separate each variable while declaring many variables in one statement?

19 / 71

If a reserved word is used as variable name, it causes _________ error.

20 / 71

Which of the following is used to declare variables that can hold real numbers?

21 / 71

Which of the following C declaration statement is invalid?

22 / 71

The person who knows how to write a computer program correctly is known as __________

23 / 71

stdio stands for__________

24 / 71

A location in computer memory with some data that can be changed is called _______

25 / 71

In C Language statement ends with a__________

26 / 71

The process of feeding or storing instructions in the computer is known as _________

27 / 71

_______ are added in the source code to further explain the techniques and algorithms used by the programmer.

28 / 71

Variable names cannot begin with ___________

29 / 71

____ are the values that do not change during the whole execution of program.


30 / 71

Every programming language has some primitive building blocks and follows some grammar rules known as its _____

31 / 71

_____ can be thought of as a container to store constants.

32 / 71

The variable names cannot contain ____________

33 / 71

__________ are the statements that are ignored by the compiler and are not executed.

34 / 71

For initializing a variable, we use ______ operator.

35 / 71

Char is used to declare a variable type of ____________

36 / 71

Data type “int” takes _________ bytes in storage.

37 / 71

Multiline comments in C language end with _________

38 / 71

Which of the following is correct comment in C language?

39 / 71

A quantity whose value cannot be changed during program execution is called __________

40 / 71

Another name for keyword is __________

41 / 71

const, double and int are examples of__________

42 / 71

Single line comment in C language start with _____________

43 / 71

In C language, _________ are the values without a decimal point.

44 / 71

The main () is a ____________

45 / 71

C language was developed by ___________ between 1969 and 1973 at Bell Labs.

46 / 71

C programs  are converted  into machine language with the help of ___________

47 / 71

All keywords in C are written in __________

48 / 71

In C language, character constants are written within __________

49 / 71

In C language, _______ are the values that include a decimal point.

50 / 71

A series of instructions given to the computer to solve any kind of problem is called ___________

51 / 71

The number of bytes used by char data type in C language is ___________

52 / 71

Which of the following is not a reserved word?

53 / 71

The number of bytes used by float data type in C is ___________

54 / 71

________ is a single alphabet, digit or special symbol enclosed within single quotes.

55 / 71

For every opening brace in a C program, there must be a ________

56 / 71

A set of rules to write instructions in a programming language is known as __________

57 / 71

The place to write comments in C program is ___________

58 / 71

Include Statements are written in ____ sections.

59 / 71

A float uses ______ bytes of memory.

60 / 71

An IDE typically consists of ________

61 / 71

Which of the following is required to declare a variable?

62 / 71

A Software that facilitates programmers in writing computer programs in known as _______

63 / 71

Computer programs are also known as _______________

64 / 71

What is the name for the words that have predefined meaning and cannot be used as variable names?

65 / 71

Header files in C Language contain __________

66 / 71

________ is a Software that is responsible for the conversion of program files to machine understandable and executable code.

67 / 71

C Language contains ___________ header files.

68 / 71

Variables are created in __________

69 / 71

Which of the following is a C language IDE?

70 / 71

A list of words that are predefined and must not be used by the programmer to name his own variable are known as ______

71 / 71

Which of the following is an invalid statement for variable declaration?

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MCQs Chap # 01 – Computer Science 10th

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Computer science Short Questions/ Long Questions – 10th Class:

Short Questions and Long Questions related to 10th Class Computer science notes new Syllabus are available here. The Students who are searching the study material (Short questions / Long Questions) for Punjab boards, along with KPK boards and Karachi boards, here is a good chance to avail the chance from this opportunity.

Long / Short Questions Chap # 01 – Computer Science 10th

 (Open/ Download)



Solved Exercise – Computer Science Notes 10th Class:

This book of Computer Notes for Class 10 Chapter 1 is new Syllabus and New problems are not solved according to 100% correction. But here we are providing the solution of this problem and Solved Exercise of Computer Science Notes 10th Class is available here for pdf format and for download.

Solved Exercise Chap # 01 – Computer Science 10th

 (Open/ Download)



Coding problems – Computer Science New Syllabus 10th Class:

In 10th Class Computer science Notes, important part is Coding of C-Language. Here are a lot of Coding problem solutions of Examples, Coding problem solution of exercise and Extra examples of Coding in C-Language is available on our website

10th Class Computer Science Notes:

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Class 10 Computer Science Chapter Wise Notes

Chapter 01 – Introduction to Programming

Chapter 02 – User Interface

Chapter 03 – Conditional Logic

Chapter 04 – Data and Repetition

Chapter 05 – Functions

adamjee notes for class 10:

if you are searching for adamjee notes for class 10 Computer or adamjee notes for class 10 Chemistry either adamjee notes for class 10 physics, then this post will help you for the topic of computer notes for class 10. 

One thought on “Computer Notes for Class 10 Chapter 1”

  1. Elastic Knee Support Tynor says:

    You are a very clever person!

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