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Sounds:Physics Notes for 10th Class

The most interesting and important Subject Physics of 10th Class Chapter-11. Student want to know the important Questions and  physics notes for 10th class , to prepare it according to BISE Punjab. We are providing the Solution of Student Problems.

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Physics Ch-11, 10th

Here MCQs for your Revision

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1 / 64

____________ is the characteristic of sound by which we can. distinguish between a shrill and a grave sound.

2 / 64

Such sounds which are unpleasant to our ears are called ____________

3 / 64

The speed of sound in air at a2 atm pressure and at room temperature (21°C) is _______

4 / 64

The sensation of sound persists in our brain about ___________

5 / 64

We hear sound produce by musical instrument such as _____________

6 / 64

Intensity of whispering is ____________

  • 10-5 Wm-2
  • 10-8Wm-2
  • 10-9Wm-2
  • 10-12 Wm-2

Which Option is Correct ?

7 / 64

The method used to absorb undesirable sound by soft and porous surface is called ________

8 / 64

Ultrasonics are used to locate under water depth the technique is called_____________

9 / 64

Old people cannot hear sound even above ____________

10 / 64

When the frequency of a sound wave is increased, which of the following will decrease?

11 / 64

The range of the frequency which human ear can hear is called___________

12 / 64

The intensity of sound depends on the ___________ of sound.

13 / 64

Voice of Child is _______________

14 / 64

Loudness of sound depends on_________

15 / 64

For hearing distinct echoes, the minimum distance of obstacle from source of source of sound must be__________

16 / 64

Which form of energy is sound?

17 / 64

Pitch of sound depends on_____________

18 / 64

When the frequency of sound wave is increased, them which of following decrease?

19 / 64

By using an ____________ we can see sound wave.

20 / 64

The loudness of sound is directly proportional to logarithm of intensity, this Law is called _______

21 / 64

Sound waves with frequency less than 20Hz are called _____________

22 / 64

Researcher in __________ observed giraffes to stop and wait for the others that were out of sight.

23 / 64

Which are the acoustic protection except ___________

24 / 64

Multiple reflections called ___________

25 / 64

The Level of noise recommended in most of countries is ________

26 / 64

Intensity of loudest audible sound is__________

  • 10-12Wm-2
  • 1 Wm-2
  • 20Wm-2
  • All of these

Which Option is Correct ?

27 / 64

Ultrasound is the frequency of sound higher than ___________

28 / 64

Corresponds to irregular and sudden vibrations produced by some sound ___________

29 / 64

By ultrasonic waves ____________ can be destroyed.

30 / 64

The speed of sound in air was first scene measured in ____________

31 / 64

The speed of sound in solid is______________ than liquid and air.

32 / 64

Frequency of silent whistle Lies between__________

33 / 64

Audible frequency range is ____________

34 / 64

The amplitude of 100 dB sound is ___________

35 / 64

The speed of sound in solid is about _____________ times that in gases.

36 / 64

Intensity of faintest sound is __________

  • 1012 Wm-2
  • 10-12 Wm-2
  • 10-8Wm-2
  • 10-9Wm-2

Which Option is Correct ?

37 / 64

Which bird fly easily between wires in the black room.

38 / 64

Noise has negative effects on human health it causes except ____________

39 / 64

According to wave equation v= fλ the wavelength of ultra-sonic waves are ____________

40 / 64

Ultrasonics are used to measure the depth of Water by____________

41 / 64

Bats can hear Frequencies up to_______________

42 / 64

Powerful ultrasound is now being used to remove blood clot from _________

43 / 64

For a normal person, audible frequency range for sound wave lie between_________

44 / 64

Mice can hear frequencies up to ___________

45 / 64

_____________waves carry more energy and higher frequency than sound waves.

46 / 64

Noise correspond ____________ vibration.

47 / 64

For a normal person audible frequency range for sound wave lie between____________

48 / 64

Sound can travel only in presence of _______

49 / 64

Such sound Which are pleasant to our ears are named as ____________

50 / 64

Refractions are places where air is slightly _____________ than the surrounding air.

51 / 64

Intensity is a ____________quantity.

52 / 64

The study of sound is called______

53 / 64

Sound is ____________Wave.

54 / 64

Distance between two consecutive compressions and rarefactions is the _______ of sound wave.

55 / 64

Characteristic by which we can distinguish between two, sounds of same loudness and pitch is called _____

56 / 64

The Loudness of a sound is most closely related to its_______

57 / 64

Sound is produced by__________

58 / 64

The speed of sound varies with_______________

59 / 64

Astronauts in space need to communicate with each other by radio links because______

60 / 64

1 bell is equal to ____________

61 / 64

By which waves small cracks can appear___________

62 / 64

How does sound travel from its source to your ear?

63 / 64

Compressions are places Where air is slightly _______________ than the surrounding air.

64 / 64

Which is an example of a longitudinal wave.

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MCQs Chap # 11 – Physics 10th

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Solved Numericals Chap # 11 – Physics 10th

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Short Questions Chap # 11 – Physics 10th

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Long Questions Chap # 11 – Physics 10th

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Conceptual Questions Chap # 11 – Physics 10th

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Physics Notes, Numerical for Class 10th

If your are talking about the Study material of Class 10th Physics Notes chapter-11, Physics Notes for 10th Class Chapter-11, is providing same helpful content against each chapter of Physics Class 11 notes pdf downloadable format of PTB book. For each chapter  there are short questions, long question, multiple-choice questions, and numerical. Similarly, in the case of extra material, there are long questions, short questions, and multiple-choice questions. So, every student can check these notes and prepare for exams.

How did we prepare from these notes? any Student of 10th class should prepared all the long question of each chapter first and practiced all the numerical as well in good grip. Then he should skimmed through all the multiple-choice question and short questions of same chapter for adamjee notes class 10 Physics 2022, adamjee notes for class 10 Physics, adamjee notes for class 10, adamjee notes. That should be enough for him to prepare a chapter and secure good marks in exams. All reader should use this technique if you like this.

Chapter wise PDF Notes / Problems / Numerical Solution of Physics

Chapter-10 – Simple Harmonic Motion and Waves

Chapter-11 – Sounds

Chapter-12 – Geometrical Optics 

Chapter-13 – Electrostatics

Chapter-14 – Current Electricity

Chapter-15 – Electromagnetism 

Chapter-16 – Basic Electronics 

Chapter-17 – Information Technology 

Chapter-18 – Atomic and Nuclear Physics

Pairing Scheme for 2021 – Physics 10th Class


Physics Notes for 10th Class: 

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  1. Best views i have ever seen !

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