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Electromagnetism:Physics Notes for 10th Class

The most interesting and important Subject Physics of 10th Class Chapter-15. Student want to know the important Questions and  physics notes for 10th class , to prepare it according to BISE Punjab. We are providing the Solution of Student Problems.

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Physics Ch#15, 10th Class

Here MCQs for your Revision

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1 / 61

Any D.C Motor converts________

2 / 61

Walk through metal detector are installed at airport and other places for_________

3 / 61

If the current is flowing from bottom end to top, then the direction of magnetic lines of force will be_________

4 / 61

Number of turns on secondary coil is ________

5 / 61

Electric power is usually generated at places which are far from the places where it is_____

6 / 61

If the Current is induced in a circuit due to change of current in another circuit, this process is known as_______

7 / 61

If the current is flowing from top to bottom, then the direction of magnetic lines of force will be ___________

8 / 61

If the current through a coil or a circuit changes and this change induces an emf in the circuit itself, this process is known as__________

9 / 61

The magnitude of induced emf depends upon the speed of______

10 / 61

A transformer has 100 turns in primary and 500 turns in the secondary. If 6 Volts D.C is applied across its primary, the voltage induced across its secondary would be______

11 / 61

A practical application of mutual induction is______

12 / 61

Which part of a D.C Motor reverses the direction of current through the coil every half cycle?

13 / 61

A dot “.” on paper indicates that the current is directed_______

14 / 61

The coil of transformer in which change in current produces induced current in another coil is known as___________

15 / 61

A Cross “x” on paper indicates that the current is directed___________

16 / 61

When a straight current carrying conductor is placed in a magnetic field at right angle to it, the direction of force acting on conductor is_______

17 / 61

A closely wound cylindrical coil of insulated wire is _________

18 / 61

The stop-up transformer______

19 / 61

A device used to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy________

20 / 61

Hold down the end of the current carrying solenoid in front of you, if the direction of current flow through this end is clockwise it would be_________

21 / 61

Voltage of current supplied to consumers is ______

22 / 61

A device which is used to convert electrical energy into mechanical energy_______

23 / 61

The number of magnetic lines of force passing through any surface_________

24 / 61

The coil which is connected to the alternating voltage whose value is to be altered is known as____

25 / 61

Type of transformer which is used to increase the value of alternating voltage_______

26 / 61

A Coil in which current is induced is known as___________

27 / 61

The magnetic field produced in straight current carrying conductor is stronger ______

28 / 61

Lines of force in solenoid resemble the pattern of lines of force due to ________

29 / 61

The value of induced e.m.f is directly proportional to the rate of change of__________

30 / 61

MRI stands for __________

31 / 61

The presence of a magnetic field can be detected by a __________

32 / 61

A generator works on the principle of________

33 / 61

The Coil of transformer in which alternating voltage is induced is known as_________

34 / 61

The polarity of current carrying solenoid is found by__________

35 / 61

Who found the direction of induced e.m.f first time?

36 / 61

Hold down the end of the current carrying solenoid in front of you, if the direction of current flow through this end is anti-clock wise it would be ______

37 / 61

Magnetic lines of force in solenoid are________

38 / 61

An electrical device which is used to increase or decrease the value ab alternating voltage____

39 / 61

Which statement is true about the magnetic poles?

40 / 61

The direction of induce e.m.f in a circuit in accordance with conservation of ____

41 / 61

Direction of Magnetic lines of force in straight conductor is found by_______

42 / 61

Shape of Magnetic lines of force in straight Conductor are_____________

43 / 61

Electromagnet is used in device named as __________

44 / 61

Force on current carrying conductor in a magnetic field is found by________

45 / 61

What is direction of the magnetic field lines inside a bar magnet?

46 / 61

In step-up transformer _______

47 / 61

The magnetic lines of Force can be traced on cardboard by using_________

48 / 61

Type of transformer which is used to decrease the value of alternating voltage_______

49 / 61

Which is an electric switch that opens and closes under the control of another electrical circuit ____

50 / 61

Transformer works on the principle of_______

51 / 61

Weak ionic current that travel along the nerve can produce the _________

52 / 61

Electromagnetic induction was discovered by___________

53 / 61

Number of turns on the primary coil is represented as _______

54 / 61

If the current in a wire which is place perpendicular to a magnetic field increases, the force on the wire ________

55 / 61

Who discovered that when current passes through a conductor it produces a magnetic field around it?

56 / 61

Transformer is called step-down when ________

57 / 61

_______ is a study of magnetic effects of current.

58 / 61

Magnetic field in most part of the coil is__________

59 / 61

When current passes through straight conductor it produces magnetic field in the form of ____

60 / 61

The magnetic field produced in straight current carrying conductor is weaker ______

61 / 61

The turn rations of a transformer is 10, it means______

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MCQs Chap # 15 – Physics 10th

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(Correct Answers has shown at front end of each question)

Solved Numericals Chap # 15 – Physics 10th

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Short Questions Chap # 15 – Physics 10th

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Long Questions Chap # 15 – Physics 10th

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Conceptual Questions Chap # 15 – Physics 10th

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Chapter wise PDF Notes / Problems / Numerical Solution of Physics

Chapter-10 – Simple Harmonic Motion and Waves

Chapter-11 – Sounds

Chapter-12 – Geometrical Optics 

Chapter-13 – Electrostatics

Chapter-14 – Current Electricity

Chapter-15 – Electromagnetism 

Chapter-16 – Basic Electronics 

Chapter-17 – Information Technology 

Chapter-18 – Atomic and Nuclear Physics

Pairing Scheme for 2021 – Physics 10th Class

Physics Notes, Numerical for Class 10th

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One thought on “Physics Notes for 10th Class Chapter-15”

  1. Samiullah says:

    conceptual questions in chapter 15,16,17,18 are not available. In all these portion have chapter 10’s conceptual questions.

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