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Atomic and Nuclear Physics:Physics Notes for 10th Class

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Physics Ch#18, 10th Class

Here MCQs for your Revision

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1 / 56

Release of energy by the sun is due to ________

2 / 56

Half-life of plutonium (236 96 Pu) is 2.85 years and 242 94 Pu is _____________

  • 3.79 x 105 years
  • 7.1 x 108 years
  • 2.85 years
  • 7.1 x 1010 years

Which Option is Correct ?

3 / 56

When two lights nuclei combine to form a heavier nucleus, this process is called_______

4 / 56

The number of neutrons in a nucleus is represented by_______

5 / 56

Which option is Correct

6 / 56

The rate of radioactive decay is proportional to the number of __________

7 / 56

When Uranium (98 protons) ejects a beta particle, how many protons are let in the remaining nucleus?

8 / 56

Isotopes of an element have the same____________

9 / 56

Which are chemical compounds containing some quantity of radioisotope?

10 / 56

In which simplest atom, nucleus has only one proton?

11 / 56

The mass of the proton and neutron is nearly equal to___________

  • 1.67 x 10-27 kg
  • 1.67 x 10-31 kg
  • 1.67 x 10-19kg
  • 1.67 x 10-21 kg

which Option is Correct ?

12 / 56

Radium-226 has a half-life of _____________

13 / 56

The stable argon nuclide Ar-40 half life___________

  • 2.4 x 108 years
  • 2.69 x 104 years
  • 2.5 x 109 years
  • 2.4 x 1011 years

Which Option is Correct ?

14 / 56

Penetrating power of γ rays as compared to α rays and β rays is __________

15 / 56

When a tree dies, which radioactive isotope present in plant starts decaying?

16 / 56

When heavy nucleus splits into two lighter nuclei, the process would _____________

17 / 56

Half-life of   (60-27)Co is _________

18 / 56

Which statement is correct about isotopes?

19 / 56

Charge on alpha particles is ________

20 / 56

In each fission reaction energy released__________

21 / 56

Atoms of the element which have same number of protons but different number of neutrons are__________

22 / 56

Which Radioactive isotope is used for curing cancerous tumors and cells?

23 / 56

The temperature of the center of sun is _________

24 / 56

Tritium contains one proton, while protium and deuterium contains_________

25 / 56

Isotopes are atoms of same element with different _______

26 / 56

The half-life of C-14 is ______

27 / 56

Who accidentally discovered that uranium salt crystals emit an invisible radiation that can darken a photographic plate?

28 / 56

The reason carbon dating works is that __________

29 / 56

The earth and all living things receive radiation from outer space which name is __________

30 / 56

The half life of a certain isotope is 1 day. What is the quantity of the isotope after 2 days?

31 / 56

Which compound is used for diagnosis of brain tumor?

32 / 56

Stream of high energy electrons_____________

33 / 56

Elements are naturally unstable having atomic number greater than_________

34 / 56

35 / 56

Which among the following radiations has more penetrating power?

36 / 56

The number of protons and neutrons in a nucleus or atomic mass is represented by______

37 / 56

During fission of 1kg of Uranium -235 energy released is ___________

  • 67 x 1010J
  • 65 x 108J
  • 60 x 108J
  • 66 x 109J

Which Option is Correct ?

38 / 56

The total number of protons in a nucleus or total number of electrons in the orbits is __________

39 / 56

The total number of nucleons in a nucleus is__________

40 / 56

One of the isotopes of uranium is U(238-92)  the number of neutrons in this isotope is ___________

41 / 56

Mass energy equation and theory of relativity was given by___________

42 / 56

Stable nuclei have atomic number between__________

43 / 56

In order to find the intensity of radiations, which device can be used?

44 / 56

Nuclear fission was first observed in 1939 by__________

45 / 56

Transmutation is _____________

46 / 56

The atomic number is represented by_______

47 / 56

What happens to the atomic number of an element which emits 1 alpha particle?

48 / 56

Hazards of radiation for humans are_____________

49 / 56

Which compound readily accumulated in the thyroid gland and can be used for monitoring of thyroid functioning?

50 / 56

The phenomenon by which radiations split matter into positive and negative ion is called ____

51 / 56

Gamma rays are also called __________

52 / 56

A nucleon is _________ times heavier than electron.

53 / 56

Which Option is Correct ?

54 / 56

Rutherford discovered that the positive charge in an atom was concentrated in a small region called__________

55 / 56

____________ are collectively called nucleons.

56 / 56

Which have the greatest power of ionization s compared to others?

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MCQs Chap # 18 – Physics 10th

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Solved Numericals Chap # 18 – Physics 10th

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Short Questions Chap # 18 – Physics 10th

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Long Questions Chap # 18 – Physics 10th

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Conceptual Questions Chap # 18 – Physics 10th

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Chapter wise PDF Notes / Problems / Numerical Solution of Physics

Chapter-10 – Simple Harmonic Motion and Waves

Chapter-11 – Sounds

Chapter-12 – Geometrical Optics 

Chapter-13 – Electrostatics

Chapter-14 – Current Electricity

Chapter-15 – Electromagnetism 

Chapter-16 – Basic Electronics 

Chapter-17 – Information Technology 

Chapter-18 – Atomic and Nuclear Physics

Pairing Scheme for 2022 – Physics 10th Class

Physics Notes, Numerical for Class 10th

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