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Biology Notes for Class 9 Chapter 5

Cell Cycle:

Biology Notes for Class 9

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Here are important MCQs for Biology Notes for Class 9, chapter 5

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Biology Ch#05, 09th Class

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1 / 37

Which of the following structure is absent in animals?

2 / 37

During which phase of mitosis spindles are formed?

3 / 37

The chromosomes are attached in the equator of spindle in_________

4 / 37

For mitosis, the chromosomes of the cells are duplicated during interphase. When do the chromosomes duplicated for meiosis?

5 / 37

Chromatids get separated from each other during_________

6 / 37

The division of nucleus is____________

7 / 37

In which stage of the cell cycle each chromosome is duplicated and so it consists of two chromatids?

8 / 37

The phase which can exist for life is_________

9 / 37

If you observe a cell like this one, ______what phase of mitosis is it?

10 / 37

The condensation of chromosomes is completed during_________

11 / 37

Meiosis discovered in_________

12 / 37

The process of mitosis ensures that_____________

13 / 37

Chromosomes become double during ________

14 / 37

Prior to cell division, each chromosome replicates or duplicates its genetic material, the products are connected by a centromere and are called_________

15 / 37

In which stage of the cell cycle most cells spend their lives?

16 / 37

Chromosomes are not visible during__________

17 / 37

Uncoiling of chromosomes take place during_________

18 / 37

The cell death due to tissue damage is_______

19 / 37

Specific enzymes are synthesized by_______

20 / 37

Which of the following stage of cell division is very different for animal and plant cells?

21 / 37

Which event distinguishes meiosis from mitosis?

22 / 37

What reason would you suggest for the fact that the total DNA content of each daughter cell is reduced during meiosis?

23 / 37

The exchange of part of chromatids is__________

24 / 37

In which phase, cell increases the number of its many organelles and grows in size?

25 / 37

Which of the following distinguishes meiosis from mitosis?

26 / 37

Find the correct statement.

27 / 37

Cytokinesis in animals take place by ________

28 / 37

Necrosis is____

29 / 37

The longest phase is__________

30 / 37

Chromatids are condensed during__________

31 / 37

Cytokinesis in a plant cell is characterized by ______

32 / 37

Hydra reproduces asexually by _______

33 / 37

Which of the followings stage is similar in mitosis and meiosis?

34 / 37

Which of the following is unique to mitosis and not a part of meiosis?

35 / 37

Type of spindle fiber which attaches the chromosomes is called ________

36 / 37

In which stage of the cell cycle, the cell is preparing enzyme for chromosome replication?

37 / 37

Cells of which of the followings are called cancer cells?

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Biology Notes, Short Long MCQs for Class 9th

Biology, a new subject for 9th Class, having a lot of concepts, starting from a single definition of the important particle of our universe which is called ‘cell’. In the 8th grade usually, we have to study only one book of science that combines Biology, physics, and Chemistry. But as, we got into 9th class and with every passing day things starts to get more complex now. similarly we got three books instead of just one science book.

And, if you any student of 9th Class feeling difficult to understand the concept of Biology. Then, these Biology notes for class 9 are enough, by Understanding Biology Notes for 9th class means remembering a lot of concepts. Consider that particular subject important in which you want to study for your whole life. And, read more than just the textbook about that particular subject. If you think you want to study Biology for your whole life that’s great, our country also need chemists.

Biology Short Questions class 9 pdf

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Chapter wise PDF Notes / Problems / Solution of Biology 9th Class

                     Chapter-01 – Introduction to Biology

                     Chapter-02 – Solving a Biological Problem

                     Chapter-03 – Biodiversity

                     Chapter-04 – Cells And Tissues

                     Chapter-05 – Cell Cycle

                     Chapter-06 – Enzymes

                     Chapter-07 – Bioenergetics 

                     Chapter-08 – Nutrition

                     Chapter-09 – Transport

                     Pairing Scheme for 2022 – Biology 9th Class



2 thoughts on “Biology Notes Class-9 Chapter-5”

  1. Muhammad Abubakar Farooq Chaudhary says:

    I found a mistake while giving mcqs test . I think there is an error in mcq 35 please tell the correct option as soon as possible thanks
    Regards : Muhammad Abubakar Farooq Chaudhary

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