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9th Class Computer Notes Chapter-01:

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Computer Ch#01, 09th Class

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1 / 53

In flowchart, we use symbols which are connected with the help of “Arrows” to show ______________

2 / 53

________ keywords are used in algorithm, to transfer control to any other step in an algorithm.

3 / 53

_________ keyword /Notation is used in algorithm to display value.

4 / 53

The ______________ step is used to performing calculation & storing the result of calculation.

5 / 53

The word algorithm comes from the name of Arabic researcher / writer ______________

6 / 53

In flowchart, ____________ used as conditional operation that determine which one of the two paths to take.

7 / 53

There can be _________ algorithm to solve a single problem.

8 / 53

Trace Table is a technique used to test algorithm as ____________________

9 / 53

____________ means to test whether the solution is correct or not.

10 / 53

During solving a problem, if the problem is not well defined then we can use the strategy, ____________

11 / 53

Usually a computer programmer can use these steps _________

12 / 53

In algorithm _________ Notation is used for starting point of an algorithm.

13 / 53

Which is not an advantage of flowchart?

14 / 53

A clear understanding of a problem ____________

15 / 53

It is important to _______________ before jumping into the solution of a problem.

16 / 53

Graphical presentation of the steps to solve a problem is called ____________

17 / 53

__________________is one of the key activates to improve quality of a solution.

18 / 53

Testing an algorithm using invalid data ensure that _______________

19 / 53

best statement for a problem: _______________

20 / 53

____________ is type of test data, which complies with the input requirement of the algorithm.

21 / 53

In flowchart to determine whether a statement is true or false and taking a appropriate step, we use ___________

22 / 53

A well-defined problem is one that _____________

23 / 53

During draw a flowchart, _________ is used to display / print the result on some output device.

24 / 53

Which type of data can be used to test the problem?

25 / 53

__________ keyword is use in algorithm to show the termination point of the algorithm.

26 / 53

If an algorithm is used less space than it may be _____________

27 / 53

____________means to test if the solution, is actually solving the same problem for it was designed.

28 / 53

______________ is a graphical representation of the process but ____________ write these steps in human understandable language.

29 / 53

Logical Error means the solution is ________________

30 / 53

In flowchart, ________ represent Operations to Process and change values.

31 / 53

Designer/ Programmer have option to take these steps____________

32 / 53

Efficiency of algorithm can be measured by _____________

33 / 53

5-Ws (What, Who, When, Where & Why) are used to __________________

34 / 53

In problem solving steps after analyzing a problem, which step we have to start?

35 / 53

In flowchart, ____________ is used to display information which is exhibits the processed result.

36 / 53

An algorithm is considered more efficient if it takes _____________ to reach the result

37 / 53

After solving a problem, we need ____________whether it is correct or not, we use Test data.

38 / 53

In flowchart, ___________ indicate start and end of a flowchart.

39 / 53

Which One is not used in flowchart?

40 / 53

Trace table is in form of _________________

41 / 53

In flowchart, taking data from users is called ______________

42 / 53

In flowchart, _______ keyword is used to keep counting the number of input given by user or processing.

43 / 53

A set of Steps to Solve a problem is called____________

44 / 53

Which is the disadvantage of algorithm?

45 / 53

If an algorithm is failed during verification, then it is important to ________________

46 / 53

Which is not an Importance & Benefits of a flowchart?

47 / 53

“Planning a solution” includes following sub steps______________

48 / 53

The Solution is verified means; it is _______________

49 / 53

In algorithm__________ notation is used to get input from the user.

50 / 53

In flowchart, ___________ is used to connect parts of a flow chart on different pages.

51 / 53

______________ is essential to point out the defects and errors in solution of some problem.

52 / 53

In Algorithm ___________ keywords are used for check the condition.

53 / 53

Invalid test Data is type of test data that _____________

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MCQS Chap # 01 – Computer Science 9th Class (Open/ Download)



Short Questions Chap#01 – Computer Science 9th Class  (Open/ Download)



Long Questions Chap #01 – Computer Science 9th Class (Open/ Download)


We know, the importance of Computer science  study in every class is most important for students, including for students of 9th Class & 10th Class or other classes. If we talk Matric Classes Student of Science Classes or Arts classes, Computer Science is equally important for both Classes. Every Student of 9th & 10th Class is trying to search the topic like “9th Class Computer Notes pdf”, 10th Class Computer Science Notes PDF”, 9th Class Computer MCQs Chapter-01, 9th Class Computer Notes Chapter-01 New Syllabus, Class 9 Computer MCQs Chapter-01 New Syllabus, 9th Class Computer MCQs Chapter-01, adamjee notes class 9 Computer 2022, adamjee notes for class 9 Computer, adamjee notes for class 9, adamjee notes.

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