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Binary System:

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9th Class Computer Notes Chapter-02:

MCQs from Text Book Exercise and others included in this Practice panel. By practicing again and again, Student can get good practice on this topic “Binary System” i.e. 9th Class Computer Science MCQs Chapter-02. Best of Luck.


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Computer Ch#02, 09th Class

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1 / 70

ASCII Codes are represented in Computer Memory after __________

2 / 70

All Digital devices / Computers store data in _____________

3 / 70

We get a _____________when some logical operator is applied to the Boolean proposition.

4 / 70

The number system which has base 10, also it uses ten digits (0-9) is called________

5 / 70

Typical Example of _______________ is Hard drive, Memory Card, Flash Drive.

6 / 70

This Expression “A + B  =  B + A” is the example of __________

7 / 70

___________ may also be written as  ﬧP

8 / 70

_____________ may also be written as “P + Q”

9 / 70

Which is/ are the characteristic of volatile memory devices?

10 / 70

“It is Cold outside” is a ____________

11 / 70

In primary and secondary storages, data is stored in the form of _________

12 / 70

The logical operator___________ is not a connector but it is used to negate a proposition.

13 / 70

This Expression “A + ( B . C ) = ( A + B ) ( A + C )”  is the example of __________

14 / 70

In Non-Volatile memory, if we turn of power, the data stored in devices __________

15 / 70

___________ are assigned on the bases of Truthfulness or falsity of a proposition.

16 / 70

The number system which has base 16 and it use 16-digits (0to 9, A, B, C, D, E, F) is called _______

17 / 70

To assemble more than one operation and make a single proposition, we use _________

18 / 70

“1001001” is an example of _____________

19 / 70

Permanent memory is also called __________

20 / 70

In computer memory, At least one piece of information take place _____________

21 / 70

To convert_____________, simply convert each hexadecimal digit to four binary values

22 / 70

  1. A Truth Table is used to check a proposition, weather it is _____________

23 / 70

At least _________ byte(s) is required to store any piece of information in a computer’s memory.

24 / 70

A number system is the system of representation of ____________

25 / 70

According to Boolean algebra, ___________ is a sentence that can either be true or false.

26 / 70

Which Unit size of memory is smallest in computer memory?

27 / 70

Temporary Memory is also called __________

28 / 70

The number system which has base 2 and it uses only 2-digits (0, 1) is called _______

29 / 70

Every proposition takes one out of two values _________, which is called truth values

30 / 70

The main types of Computer Memory is/ are ______________

31 / 70

During conversion Binary to Hexadecimal, we make the group from ___________

32 / 70

If “C” is in Hexadecimal, then its binary value is ____________

33 / 70

During conversion Binary to Hexadecimal, if the left group has been less then 4-digits then, we simply ______________

34 / 70

This Expression “( A + B ) + C = A  + ( B + C )” is the example of __________

35 / 70

This is not a characteristic of Secondary storage devices_____________

36 / 70

According to _________ law there is no change in result if priority of expressions is changed.

37 / 70

This Expression “A + 0 = A”  is the example of __________

38 / 70

External Devises are just plug and play, it means________

39 / 70

1-Petabyte is equal to ______________

  • (1024)4 bytes
  • (1024)6 bytes
  • (1024)5 bytes
  • (1024)7 bytes

Select Correct Option

40 / 70

Hexadecimal system has total _____ numbers.

41 / 70

All the characters on keyboard have an associated code which is called ___________

42 / 70

Compound proposition is true only if ________________

43 / 70

Expression (A + B ) . (A+C) is equal to ____________

44 / 70

Hardware used for Storage devices may be _____________

45 / 70

A device which holds data as long as, it has power supply connected to it, is called _______

46 / 70

______________help us to simplify complex Boolean Expression.

47 / 70

If “9” is in Hexadecimal, then its binary value is ____________

48 / 70

A device which can hold data even if it is not connected to any power source, is called __________

49 / 70

Which Unit size of memory is biggest in computer memory?

50 / 70

ASCII stands for ________________

51 / 70

To Convert ________________________, we divide the number by 2 and take Quotient and Remainder.

52 / 70

Number “17” is equal to ___________ in binary system.

53 / 70

A Truth Table is used to check the truth value of a proposition when ___________ are used.

54 / 70

__________ may also be written as “P . Q”

55 / 70

Which Unit size of memory is smallest in computer memory?

56 / 70

To Convert ______________________, divide the number by 16 and take Quotient and Remainder.

57 / 70

“BO93A5” is an example of ______________

58 / 70

Data to a processor is provided through______________

11 characters left

59 / 70

Any computer hardware that is used for storing, porting and extracting data is called __________

60 / 70

The order of application of two separate terms is not important in _____________

61 / 70

_____________ is any physical device which used for storing data.

62 / 70

If “E” is in Hexadecimal, then its binary value is ____________

63 / 70

If “F” is in Hexadecimal, then its binary value is ____________

64 / 70

Commonly used number systems are ______________

65 / 70

Group of Eight bits is enough space to store single ASCII character, which is called _______

66 / 70

“236598” is an example of _____________

67 / 70

___________ is used to assemble more than one proposition into one proposition.

68 / 70

Best example of _____________ is Random Access Memory (RAM)

69 / 70

In Boolean algebra, if we use OR Operator, the compound composition is true if ______________

70 / 70

The smallest unit of data, can hold only one value 0 or 1 called __________

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Long Question Answers Chap # 02 – Computer Science 9th Class (Open/ Download)


9th Class Computer Science Notes & MCQS:

We know, the importance of Computer science  study in every class is most important for students, including for students of 9th Class & 10th Class or other classes. If we talk Matric Classes Student of Science Classes or Arts classes, Computer Science is equally important for both Classes. Every Student of 9th & 10th Class is trying to search the topic like 9th Class Computer Notes pdf, 10th Class Computer Science Notes PDF, 9th Class Computer MCQs Chapter-02, 9th Class Computer Notes Chapter-02, Class 9 Computer MCQs Chapter-02, 9th class Computer Notes Chapter 02, adamjee notes class 9 Computer 2022, adamjee notes for class 9 Computer, adamjee notes for class 9, adamjee notes.

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