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Current Electricity:Physics Notes for 10th Class

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Physics Ch#14, 10th Class

Here MCQs for your Revision

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1 / 103

Heat energy dissipated in a resistor R when connected to a battery of V volts and current I ampere flowing through it for time t is given by __________

  • I2R
  • IRt
  • VIt
  • I2Rt

Which Option is Correct ?

2 / 103

The potential drop across each of resistors will be same in ________

3 / 103

When we double the voltage in a simple electric circuit, we double the __________

4 / 103

Insulated covered wire is called__________

5 / 103

The SI unit of specific resistance is _________

  • Ω - m
  • Ω – m
  • Ω – m-1
  • Ω – m-2

Which Option is Correct ?

6 / 103

The amount of energy supplied by current in unit time is known as _________

7 / 103

In liquids and gases, the current is due to the motion of ________

8 / 103

Which one of the following bulbs has least resistance?

9 / 103

Electrical energy is commonly consumed in very large quantity and hence a large unit of energy is required which is known as ________

10 / 103

The wire at certain potential is called_________

11 / 103

Three resistance 5000, 500 and 50 ohms are connected in series across 555 volts mains. The current flowing through them will be _________

12 / 103

Energy is produced to transfer the electrons from positive terminal of the battery to the negative terminal by the _________

13 / 103

Free electrons are ______

14 / 103

The wire grounded in the earth is called ___________

15 / 103

The current through a metallic conductor is due to the motion of _________

16 / 103

Ohm's Law Is applicable to ________

17 / 103

The energy supplied W = I2Rt is the mathematical expression for _______

18 / 103

Ohm Is defined as ________

  • Volt / Coulomb or VC-1
  • Volt/Ampere or VA-1
  • Ampere/Volt or AV-1
  • Ampere x Volt or A x V

Which Option is Correct ?

19 / 103

If we double both the current and the voltage in a circuit while keeping its resistance constant, the power_____________

20 / 103

Safety device used in place of fuse is _________

21 / 103

Electrical energy is measured in_____________

22 / 103

In series circuit, the magnitude of current that flows through each resistor is _________

23 / 103

If we increase the length of a wire to four times of its 2. length, what will be its resistance?

24 / 103

If three resistances of 60 each are connected in series combination. What will be the equivalent resistance?

25 / 103

The potential difference can be directly measured by the instrument known as _______

26 / 103

One kilowatt-hour Is equal to ____________

27 / 103

If we increase the temperature of a conductor, its resistance will_____

28 / 103

If a charge ‘Q’ flows through any cross-section of the conductor in time ‘t’ second the current ‘I’ is given by ______

29 / 103

What is the voltage across a 6Ω resistor when 3A of current passes through it?

30 / 103

The series resistance which is connected with galvanometer to convert it into voltmeter usually has value in_____________

31 / 103

When we connect a battery across a conductor, the energy is provided to the charges in the conductor by the _________

32 / 103

Thermistor is_______

33 / 103

A resistance which is connected with the galvanometer in order to convert it into ammeter should have _______

34 / 103

A galvanometer is a very ______

35 / 103

The current due to negative charges and an equivalent current due to positive charges always flow in the __________

36 / 103

The current which changes its direction again and again is called_______

37 / 103

The current which always flows in one direction is called ______

38 / 103

Voltmeter is always connected in a circuit in _______

39 / 103

All electrical appliances are connected in parallel to each other between the main live and neutral wire to get ________

40 / 103

Kilowatt - hour is a unit of ______

41 / 103

The resistances are connected end to end and provide only one path for current in ________

42 / 103

The relation V=IR represents_______

43 / 103

The Instrument with which we can detect the presence of current in a circuit ls known as ______

44 / 103

The wire at zero potential is called_____

45 / 103

If a current I ampere flows through a resistance R in time seconds, then the energy supplied will be ______

  • W =IRt
  • W=I2Rt
  • W= IR2t
  • W=IRt2

Which Option is Correct ?

46 / 103

The equivalent current of positive charges which flows through a conductor is known as ______

47 / 103

The energy required to move a charge from one point to another in the circuit is called _____

48 / 103

What happens to the intensity or the brightness of the lamps connected in series as more and more lamps are added?

49 / 103

If the needle of galvanometer shows some deflection, it would indicate the _________

50 / 103

When current I is flowing through a resistance R the electrical power that generates heat in the resistance is given by _________

51 / 103

If the resistors are connected in parallel, then ___________

52 / 103

When ammeter is connected in the circuit, the positive terminal of ammeter should be connected with the _____

53 / 103

The current constituted by negative charges flows from a point of ________

54 / 103

Batteries convert _______

55 / 103

The time interval after which the voltage repeats Its value is known as__________

56 / 103

The conventional current Is due to the flow of ___________

57 / 103

The combined resistance of two identical resistors, connected in series is 8 Ω. Their combined resistance in a parallel arrangement will be _______________

58 / 103

The SI unit of electric current is ____________

59 / 103

Ohm Is the unit of ____________

60 / 103

At a certain temperature, the resistance of a wire is inversely proportional to its_____

61 / 103

Which of the following represents an electric current?

  • Erg C-1
  • Cs-1                      
  • J S-1
  • Dyne S-1

Which Option is Correct ?

62 / 103

The property of a substance which opposes the flow of current through it is called____

63 / 103

The energy supplied In driving one coulomb of charge round a complete circult in which the cell is connected is called __________

64 / 103

Why should household appliances be connected in parallel with the voltage source?

65 / 103

The direction of the electronic current in the closed circuit is ________

66 / 103

What is the power rating of a lamp connected to a 12V source when it carries a current of 2.5A?

67 / 103

When resistors are connected in series, the equivalent resistance is equal to ________

68 / 103

Circuit breaker works on the principle of ____________

69 / 103

The resistance of an ammeter should be _________

70 / 103

If 1 ampere current flows through 2-M long conductor, the charge flow through this in 1-hour will be _________

71 / 103

The resistance of a conductor does not depend on its________

72 / 103

The electronic current is due to the flow of __________

73 / 103

At a certain temperature, the resistance of a wire is directly proportional to its_____

74 / 103

In order to measure the current in a circuit, ammeter should be connected ________

75 / 103

The resistance of a meter cube of the substance is called_______

76 / 103

In parallel circuit, the magnitude of current that flows through each resistor will be _______

77 / 103

Ab electric current in conductors in due to the flow of _________

78 / 103

The rate of flow of electric charge through any cross-sectional area is called ________

79 / 103

An additional wire used in devices having the metallic bodies is_______

80 / 103

Electric potential and E.M.F ______________

81 / 103

The SI unit of electrical power is _______

82 / 103

How will you calculate power from current (I) and voltage (v)?

  • power =1/V
  • power = VI
  • power = V2I
  • power = VI2

Which Option is Correct ?

83 / 103

A good voltmeter is that which draws _______

84 / 103

In electricity we assume that electric current is always flow due to the flow of _______

85 / 103

The number of cycles completed by current in one second is called its_______

86 / 103

In metals, current is produced only due to the flow of_____________

87 / 103

The value of current passing through a conductor is directly proportional to the_______

88 / 103

If we increase the cross-sectional area of the wire to double of its original area. It resistance will become_______

89 / 103

A small wire connected in series with the live wire is called ________

90 / 103

In order to detect the current, galvanometer is connected _______

91 / 103

If the resistance of 2-ohm and 4-ohm are connected in Parallel, the equivalent resistance will be _________

92 / 103

The direction of conventional current flowing in a circuit is ________

93 / 103

One coulomb per second is equal to __________

94 / 103

The resistance of a conductor through which a current of one ampere is Mowing when the potential difference across its ends is one volt _______

95 / 103

When the temperature of a conductor is raised, its resistance _____________

96 / 103

Volt is a unit of_________

97 / 103

the conventional current of positive charges flows from a point of _________

98 / 103

When Q coulomb of charge flows between the two points having potential difference of V volts then the energy in joules is represented by________

99 / 103

In electrolyte, current is produced due to the flow of _____________

100 / 103

One watt is equal to_____

  • Js
  • Js-1
  • J2s
  • sJ-1

Which Option is Correct ?

101 / 103

The graphical representation of Ohm’s law is _________

102 / 103

The frequency of A.C used in our houses is _________

103 / 103

If a potential of 220V is applied across a conductor and a current of 2A flu through it. What would be the resistance of the conductor?

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MCQs Chap # 14 – Physics 10th

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(Correct Answers has shown at front end of each question)

Solved Numericals Chap # 14 – Physics 10th

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Short Questions Chap # 14 – Physics 10th

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Long Questions Chap # 14 – Physics 10th

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Conceptual Questions Chap # 14 – Physics 10th

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Chapter wise PDF Notes / Problems / Numerical Solution of Physics

Chapter-10 – Simple Harmonic Motion and Waves

Chapter-11 – Sounds

Chapter-12 – Geometrical Optics 

Chapter-13 – Electrostatics

Chapter-14 – Current Electricity

Chapter-15 – Electromagnetism 

Chapter-16 – Basic Electronics 

Chapter-17 – Information Technology 

Chapter-18 – Atomic and Nuclear Physics

Pairing Scheme for 2021 – Physics 10th Class

Physics Notes, Numerical for Class 10th

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