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Basic Electronics:Physics Notes for 10th Class

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Physics Ch#16, 10th Class

Here MCQs for your Revision

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1 / 67

The output of a two-point NOR gate is 1 when__________

2 / 67

Value of a Boolean variable 1 after NOT operation is _______

3 / 67

The various operations of Boolean variables are also called_______

4 / 67

A switch has only ________possible states.

5 / 67

In Boolean Algebra “1” represents _______

6 / 67

If switches S1 and S2 both are open, then the lamp will be _______

7 / 67

Number of input(s) of NOT operation are_________

8 / 67

Metals contain large number of______

9 / 67

Who observed the deflection of cathode rays by both electric and magnetic fields?

10 / 67

Which is an analogue circuit which amplifies the signals without changing its shape to such an extent that it can operate a loudspeaker?

11 / 67

The logical operation, whose output will only be zero if its all inputs are zero?

12 / 67

The degree of deflection of electrons from their original direction is proportional to______

13 / 67

Cathode Rays contain negatively charged particles called__________

14 / 67

The circuit which implements the AND operation is called______

15 / 67

Time, pressure, distance, these are all_________

16 / 67

The output of a NAND gate is 0 when__________

17 / 67

Boolean algebra operates with two logic states represented by two distinct voltage level. These are ____

18 / 67

The states of binary variables are usually represented by the digits_____

19 / 67

The particles emitted from a hot cathode surface are ________

20 / 67

AND gate can be formed by using two________

21 / 67

The logical operation, whose output will only be one if its all inputs are 1 _________

22 / 67

Digital electronics uses two digits, which are __________

23 / 67

AND operation is just like __________combinations of resistors.

24 / 67

To find the depth of sea-beds, C.R.O is used as__________

25 / 67

The circuit which implements the OR operation is called___________

26 / 67

The logical operation performs by this given gate is ____________

27 / 67

The number of operations of Boolean algebra are ___________

28 / 67

Analogue quantities are_______

29 / 67

The screen of a cathode-ray tube consists of a thin layer of_________

30 / 67

After NOT operation the value of Boolean variable 0 is _________

31 / 67

In Boolean Algebra zero represents_________

32 / 67

Circuits which convert the analogue signal into digital signal_______

33 / 67

If X = A.B, then X is 1, when___________

34 / 67

The word “truth” that is used in Boolean algebra is borrowed from ________

35 / 67

The-process of emission of electrons from the hot metal surface is called_________

36 / 67

Cathode-ray Oscilloscope (C.R. O) is used in many fields of science for______

37 / 67

OR operation is just like __________ combinations of resistors.

38 / 67

The output of the NAND Is written as______

39 / 67

NOT Gate is also called_________

40 / 67

A component of Cathode-Ray Oscilloscope (C.R.O) is_______

41 / 67

A and B are the two input of NOR gate. Its output would be 1 when______

42 / 67

Which of the following are digital devices?

43 / 67

Electronics which provides the data in the form of maximum and minimum voltage signals____

44 / 67

George Boolean invented a special algebra known as algebra of logics or ___________

45 / 67

Which of the following is an analogue device?

46 / 67

OR operation is represented by the symbol of (+) and Boolean expression for OR is_______

  • x = A + B
  • x = A – B
  • x + A = A
  • X =  A + A

Which Option is Correct ?

47 / 67

The quantities whose value vary in non-continuous manner are called_______

48 / 67

The NOR operation Is simply an OR operation followed by a_________

49 / 67

NAND gate is the combination of______

50 / 67

The circuit which can be used to implement NOT operation is ____________

51 / 67

The process by which electrons are emitted by a hot metal surface is known as________

52 / 67

For thermionic emission typical values of voltage and current used are________

53 / 67

OR operations is represented by _________

54 / 67

Electron gun is used to investigate the properties of_______

55 / 67

NOR gate is the combination of _________

56 / 67

AND operation is represented by__________

57 / 67

A and B are two inputs of NAND gate. Its output would be zero when_________

58 / 67

NAND operation is simply an AND operation followed by a_________

59 / 67

The Boolean expression for NOR operation is ___________

60 / 67

Circuits which convert the digital signal into analogue signals_________

61 / 67

NOT operation is also known as_______

62 / 67

The branch of applied physics which deals with the behavior of electrons using different devices for various useful purposes is _______________

63 / 67

To make burglar alarm, we use___________

64 / 67

In case of OR operation the lamp is Off when___________

65 / 67

Electron gun has an electrode for controlling the flow of electron in the beam________

66 / 67

NOT operation is represented by_____________

67 / 67

Those quantities whose value vary continuously or remain constant are called__________

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MCQs Chap # 16 – Physics 10th

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(Correct Answers has shown at front end of each question)

Short Questions Chap # 16 – Physics 10th

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Long Questions Chap # 16 – Physics 10th

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Conceptual Questions Chap # 16 – Physics 10th

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Chapter wise PDF Notes / Problems / Numerical Solution of Physics

Chapter-10 – Simple Harmonic Motion and Waves

Chapter-11 – Sounds

Chapter-12 – Geometrical Optics 

Chapter-13 – Electrostatics

Chapter-14 – Current Electricity

Chapter-15 – Electromagnetism 

Chapter-16 – Basic Electronics 

Chapter-17 – Information Technology 

Chapter-18 – Atomic and Nuclear Physics

Pairing Scheme for 2022 – Physics 10th Class

Physics Notes, Numerical for Class 10th

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